Pictures, Stories

... when the daylight fades, the outlines of the real become softer and the possible conquers broad space. In Anna Altmeier's paintings, this takes the form of enigmatic scenes reminiscent of fairy tales and dream worlds. In broken colours appear lonely women, strange table parties with crows, whimsical rooms reflecting a melancholic pondering about one's own being....paintings in which she dealt with the dark aspects of the fairy tale of Snow White. In her most recent works, she has detached herself from concrete textual references, but retains the moment of the darkly romantic, the nocturnal ...

Alice Henkes, art critic, Kunstbulletin, 11/2017

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And love after all. But only through suites of rooms onto the stage of illusory worlds. In the mirrors, bugs greet us. The man returns from Africa. The curtain drops.

2020 - 2021

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She entered the picture coming from the picture, going somewhere. Pictures were forming around her. Birds and people were swimming around. In her dream, she was searching for her name.

2218 - 2019

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Just a patchwork, chasing the wind in the flickering lights of the night. The stairs lead up and down into nowhere. A gallery of yesterday - faded.

2016 - 2017

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Fairytales: layers of the unconscious. Brought to light, they tell of tales and entanglement. Will things turn out well, or end in death. Everything returns to realm of the inexplicable.

2015 - 2016

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It's night once again. Time of unrest. Where does the path lead? It leads outside, inside. Images of memory, mixed with the glimmering, uncertain present.

2014 - 2015

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There was a movie once called Saturday Night Fever. With somnambulistic and awake dancing. Glamour accompanied by melancholy. And a mirror question: Who am I?

2013 - 2014

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Youth in the daze of the night. Desires and hopes. Fears and disappointments. Satisfaction and solitude. What is the morning after the frenzied, sleepless hours?

2011 - 2013